The Halo Script Preprocessor allows you to write HaloScript with support for C-like preprocessor macros like #define. The program takes a scripts file with macros in it, processes them, then outputs a standard HSC file. This means this program is purely for making writing HSC easier. Scripts output by this preprocessor are still subject to the usual limits.

Most modders are not likely to need this tool; it's intended for expert users to save time and reduce boilerplate when writing very large level scripts. With H1A's support for static script arguments and its raised scripting limits this tool may be unnecessary for you.


Once downloaded and extracted, you will find a hspp.exe. This is the preprocessor and it is a command-line program. From a command prompt, it would be used like this:

hspp.exe path\to\input.hsc path\to\output.hsc

It's recommended to either keep input files outside your levels's scripts data folder, or name them with another extension than .hsc, so they're not compiled.


The preprocessor is an extension of GPP, so see its documentation for full details on the types of macros it supports.

Basic replacement macros

Macros can help you use shorthand for snippets of HaloScript which you frequently find yourself repeating. Given the input file:

#define CINE_START (cinematic_show_letterbox true)(show_hud false)
#define CINE_STOP (cinematic_show_letterbox false)(show_hud true)

(script static void chapter_c40_3
  (sleep 30)
  (cinematic_set_title chapter_c40_3)
  (sleep 150)

This will be processed into an output file like this:

(script static void chapter_c40_3
  (cinematic_show_letterbox true)(show_hud false)
  (sleep 30)
  (cinematic_set_title chapter_c40_3)
  (sleep 150)
  (cinematic_show_letterbox false)(show_hud true)

Macros with arguments

Macros are more powerful when they accept arguments, which let you parameterize their output.

#define SLEEP_SEC(sec) (sleep (* 30 sec))
#define DBG(msg) (if debug (print msg))
#define WAIT_DEAD(ai, num) (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count ai) num))

(script dormant ext_a
  (ai_place ext_a_cov)
  DBG("Enemies dead!")
  (wake ext_b)


(script dormant ext_a
  (ai_place ext_a_cov)
  (sleep_until (<= (ai_living_count ext_a_cov) 3))
  (if debug (print "Enemies dead!"))
  (sleep (* 30 10))
  (wake ext_b)

However, static scripts with arguments are also now an option for H1A scripting and serve a similar purpose.

Stripping comments

If you're concerned about the source file size limit, you can configure GPP to remove HSC comments:

#mode preservelf off
#mode comment ";*\W" "\W*;"
#mode comment ";" "\n"

; kill player0 if any player goes in the zone
(script startup test
    (if (volume_test_objects kill_vol (players))
        (unit_kill (player0))
(script dormant wave_1
    (ai_place "entry_cov/grunts")
(script dormant wave_2
    (ai_place "entry_cov/elites")


(script startup test
    (if (volume_test_objects kill_vol (players))
        (unit_kill (player0))

(script dormant wave_2
    (ai_place "entry_cov/elites")


Thanks to the following individuals for their research or contributions to this topic:

  • Conscars (Documenting usage examples)